The truth of who you are is Sacred Love and you were born into the wilderness of Life.

Here, we contend with wounds and disconnects (ours, others, ancestral, cultural). The tension between these two truths can be used to foster more resiliency and greater wholeness, or it can keep us coping; hurt and hurting, fearful, and ineffective.

Group Work


Group work is an antidote to misdirected individualism and an increasingly isolated society.

A reminder that while we are unique, we are also interdependent and universally connected; it allows us to practice bringing our individual wholeness into more accurately complex and life-like environments.

Within the healthy containment of intentional space, we gather, courageous, curious, and compassionate - knowing that individually we don’t have the answers or capacity to change culture or the world… yet fully trusting we are better, more resilient and creative, together.

In these offerings, it’s all about us: communal, sacred, and brave.



All group sessions are currently online, for your convenience.




an online monthly gathering of animistic soul-foodnature-based ritualrestcommunity


Final Tuesday of the month || 7-9pm ET

We all need to have two homes to feel whole: one for our lonely, longing human hearts with a warm hearth and a soft bed;

and an elemental one for our pelted selves, our wild souls.

Our deepest work in these times is to bring these selves back into right relationship within us so we can be the change we want to see in the world.

‘Sanctuary’ is a monthly gathering to offer you that space.

Designed based off of the best of what church can offer - but for wild souls and witchy humans - there will be

  • ancestrally-rooted myths and stories told as medicine,

  • deep conversation,

  • quiet contemplation or creation,

  • sharing and being witnessed

Here we tend embers and seeds, a remembering and revolution, a weaving of new culture in action.