So… what is ‘energetic medicine’ anyway?

Energy is a language anyone can speak, but most of us have forgotten. It’s how our brains and nervous systems communicate with our bodies. It’s how your dog knows you need a cuddle when you’re sad or prey animals can tell whether a predator is hunting, or walking past on it’s way to the waterhole. It’s that moment when you pass a stranger on the street and recognize something in them.


And the subtle body?

It’s the anatomical structure of all the non-tangible pieces of your experience. It encompasses your thoughts, your emotions, and energy fields of different frequencies created by the movement of your atoms and cells.

Yup - you’re a walking, vibrating ball of energy. Even on the days when you feel like a stretched-thin, crawling blob of nothing.

Energetic Medicine is holistic, compassionate, non-invasive… and addresses challenges and imbalances at the level of the subtle body.

It's not a top-down or an outside-in approach, but one that stems authentically from you. It does not fix you because you are not broken - instead, it helps you remember who you were before the wounds changed you.

Art by Dr. Fernand Poulin

Art by Dr. Fernand Poulin


Did you know trauma is not what happened to you but rather what got stored in your body because it was too much, too fast, too soon to process?


Our subtle bodies are constantly in fluctuation, responding to our inner and outer environments.

In your house’s electrical system, if you dump too much charge into wires and flood the system, a breaker switches to avoid blowout. That’s what trauma is - too much charge in your system… followed by whatever coping/ survival patterns you put into place that serve as the breaker.

Then those survival patterns get marked as successful and get stored in your body, physical and subtle, to protect you in the future... Only, they may no longer be helping you and may in fact be holding you back. Left long enough, we can start to think the survival places are innate - maybe this is just who you are?

You keep trying different things and getting the same results or end up in the same type of situation over and over again.

And when memories arise from the past, it can shock you like touching live wire - before you know it, you feel hijacked and unable to make conscious choices to do things differently.


This is where energetic medicine comes in.

Since the cells of your body orient and organize based on the subtle body, any build up there can have an affect on you - mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Energetic medicine bridges mind, body, and soul… past and present… to identify where there is disharmony, frayed live wires, and stored ‘junk’ (your own or what’s been passed down to you).

By working at the level of energy, we can bring resolution to your system so the past releases its hold on you.

We can’t change what happened to you, but we can create the space so you don’t get hijacked by past patterns. We can create more possibility for your present and future.

It’s like Marie-Kondoing yourself.


This picks up where approaches like talk therapy leave off.

Where talk therapy is helpful for wounds and traumas you can name and speak of, ones with a context, a specific moment you can name and then determine how it changed you, energetic medicine does not have to stop there.

Biology is starting to recognize epigenetics (the science of how genetic expression, altered by trauma and environmental factors, can be passed down); quantum theory recognizes that how we look at something can change the nature of it and that time and space aren’t linear - and all of this recognizes vibration, frequency… energy.

Photo by Roman Kraft

Photo by Roman Kraft

What this means for your present day struggles is that your body may also be remembering ancestral or familial wounds; the collective wounds and traumas of humanity or different identity groups you’re a part of; or even wounds that happened when you were young and pre-verbal.

These are traumas that seem without context - you can’t point to a single event, and you’re not clear who you were before or how you were changed by it. But they are stored in your physical and subtle body and affecting you in real time.

Energetic medicine isn’t limited to what you already have some awareness of or what’s stored somewhere in your conscious (or even your unconscious) mind. It can go much deeper which can lead to more re-integration and wholeness than might seem possible.

If this sounds crazy or impossible to your logical mind, I get it. But what does your gut say? Your bones? Is there something in you that feels validated?

What might be possible if you trusted that?

Photo by Shane Rounce

Photo by Shane Rounce


Clients describe knowing their issue is energetic when:

  • it feels fuzzy

  • they feel stuck and normally helpful tools aren’t working

  • they’re fried, burn-out, or overwhelmed through their whole system

  • they know their experience is valid but seems inexplicable

  • or… you should just assume any issue has an energetic component and get your butt in for an appointment because you won’t regret it (yes- several of them literally said that)

The common theme running through is that they can’t name it. That’s why other approaches often feel limited in their helpfulness.

These clients also report feeling relief when they realize that they don’t have to explain to me what is ‘wrong’ - that they can just show up and by listening into and tracking the flow of sensation, breath, emotions, memories (all energy) through their bodies, we can trace the wounds back to the roots; freeing them to feel more whole, more joyful, and more connected to themselves and in the people around them.



What might be possible by adding an energetic approach to my wellness?

Our lives are not meant to be simply survived but rather are a series of opportunities designed to help us thrive. Addressing our challenges from an energetic level allows us to look at our symptoms as messengers who just want to tell us where we’ve fallen out of harmony with our hearts and our soul’s deeper purpose.


In my own experience, energetic healing has:

  • connected me to a deeper sense of purpose

  • lowered my stress and anxiety

  • allowed my body to function more optimally

  • left me feeling more whole

  • increased my compassion

  • deepened my ability to show up for relationships and community

  • reintegrated the divide between my mind and body and soul

  • helped me trust in myself and others

  • allowed me to embrace my sensitivity and empathy with safety and confidence

Don’t just take my word for it:


A free class I offered on Feb 9 2021 covering what ‘energy’ is, why it matters, and how we can keep our personal bubbles clear so we feel more ourselves and less overwhelmed.


What can I expect from a typical session?

Each session is different and starts with something like: “So, what’s coming up for you today?”

From there, we track where your story meets your body, zeroing in on what needs to be remembered, reclaimed, and lovingly repaired.

Sessions may include dialogue, guided awareness practices, periods of silence, or any combo of movement, breathwork, or intuitive cards (tarot/ oracle).

Through the intimacy of deep listening, we’ll create the context for radically loving and authentic relationships, internally and externally, which makes you more available to what you long for and the life that’s in front of you.

In this way, the medicine of your own wholeness becomes the life of your dreams and the seeds for a radical future.

healing hands.jpg

Sessions are conducted over Zoom, video on or off.

Although dialogue or verbal guidance can bolster your awareness and ownership of your experience, boosting the efficacy of the session; in cases where you verbal connection isn’t possible, a session can still be powerfully effective and you’ll receive a text or email after the session with findings for your awareness and engagement.

Energetic medicine does not need to be shared in-person. It is equally effective over distance.

Anyone hesitant to try remote sessions need not be concerned. Having benefited greatly in-person and remotely from Kate’s instruction and skills as a teacher and IEM healer, I sincerely and happily share that her excellence reaches equally to you over phone or wi-fi. Love knows no limits.
— K.M.


**Nothing offered here is intended to contradict diagnosis, advice, or treatment of and by your doctors and physical/mental healthcare team. Energetic medicine is a different and complementary scope of practice, offering support through a different approach.

Kate and Wild Sacred Journey are committed to creating a safe and confidential space for any and all who want to walk this path of healing. We believe that each client is already whole and is capable of and responsible for their own healing. We commit to continuing to study and heal our own wounds so that we may better hear and honor yours. We facilitate a space where your truth and your timing are respected as we listen in to your unfolding with integrity, honor, and compassion.