eating some humble pie and continuing to grow


When I finished my yoga teacher training, I made it my mission to show up as Love. I know how powerful a healing force Love is and I believe it’s our true nature.

Love, I knew, was what would change the world.

Time passed and I would find myself feeling exhausted by how deeply I cared and how much I loved. And I kept finding my personal relationships strange and strained. It felt like I was loving people in the wrong ways.

Sound familiar?

I didn’t consciously choose to start learning about the subtle body and energetic medicine- it just happened. My gut and feet took me there and then there I was.

It was utterly humbling to realize how out of alignment I still was, even with everything I knew, even with the best of intentions.

This next phase of my re-tuning journey went deep and was messy. But it was also the next step in bringing me from knowing better into truly doing better.

Now I don’t have to consciously show up as Love, because I am it. I still care deeply, but with mutually supportive boundaries. I make mistakes and embrace mess and healthy conflict as fuel for more Love. I am more tuned into myself and so I’m more able to hear others. I’m no longer afraid to be human (well, most days).

No matter how much ‘work’ you’ve done, you haven’t arrived- not because you aren’t whole and healed, but because life happens and, like a piano, you will need periodic tuning.

Is your life mirroring to you that something is out of sync, disharmonious? Are your intentions and your impact not quite lined up? Are you still feeling like you have to try... at everything?

Let’s talk. 💚