
Kate Powell -

Wild Sacred Journey

✸ The journey from head to heart brings you home ✸

Hi! I’m Kate (pronouns: she/ they) - an intuitive, medicine woman, ceremonialist, story weaver, and soul-revival guide.

My super power is helping you deepen into the truth, heart, and essential wholeness of who YOU are, whether in moments of great joy or when you need your feet held to the fire of your own journey.

I believe rupture is inevitable but so is wholeness, and through: 

a somatic, shamanic, animistic approach to trauma repair and meaningful embodiment; 

myths, stories, and archetypes


rooted, ancestral cultural practices

and kinship with nature;

we can tend our personal hurts, our collective nervous system, and the bigger question: in dehumanizing and soul-starved times, how do we be more human?

Are you standing at a life threshold right now? Experiencing an initiation that’s been interrupted or you were never shown how to complete? Asking questions that feel too big to see clearly? Seeking to integrate the peak experience of a spiritual quest, a medicine ceremony, or a deep evolution into your everyday life?

And do you feel the missing pieces might be found in:

slowing down;

connecting with soul, body, and nature;

remembering ancestral wisdom;

and unlearning many of our modern cultural programmings to root into something older and deeper?

Welcome to our village fire.

I’m glad you’re here.


The Wild Sacred Journey Podcast

Seasonal Services and Programs

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