What can I expect from a session?

Energetic medicine and other intuitive healing and attunement arts/ sciences are both instinctively and deeply human * and * otherworldly… just like you. They are methods of listening more deeply into your mind-body-soul self, and they often can fill the gaps where Western medicine’s and traditional talk therapy’s scope of practice ends, but they are not magical cure-alls.

You can expect to feel seen and heard, compassionately. You can expect to be invited into empowerment and responsibility for yourself and your journey. I guide you into your own knowing.

How do I know if I’ll benefit from energetic medicine?

The truth is, anyone can benefit from it because we live in a world full of things that pull us and our attention in a million different directions, leaving us feeling stressed and fragmented. Energetic medicine and the other offerings here are all about bringing you back to wholeness and helping you attune yourself back to your center. While it’s not a magic cure-all, nor can I promise that all the challenges that go along with being human will suddenly melt away (they won’t) - this is the piece that can make everything else feel a little easier.

In their own words, clients have described knowing their ‘problem’ is energetic when:

  • it feels fuzzy

  • they feel stuck and normally helpful tools aren’t working

  • they’re fried, burn-out, or overwhelmed through their whole system

  • they know their experience is valid but seems inexplicable

  • or… you should just assume any issue has an energetic component and get your butt in for an appointment because you won’t regret it (yes- several of them literally said that)

The common theme running through is that they can’t name it. That’s why other approaches often feel limited in their helpfulness.

So, what are the logistics of a session?

Each session will unfold differently because each session is responsive to you and the timing that is right for you.

Sessions that happen live happen on Zoom, either with cameras on, if you find that helps you feel more connected or off, if you find it easier to receive and to give yourself permission to not be ‘on’.

While they might unfold differently, they each start with me asking what is coming up for you, today.

There is no need for you to prepare or have an agenda - in fact, energetic medicine works best with an intention or a hope but not an agenda. Because our systems are holistic, sometimes what our mind thinks the ‘problem’ is may not actually be where the disharmony lies. But energy doesn’t lie, so whether you feel like you can state what you’re experiencing that day or what you’re coming in with or not, we’ll be able to hone in on something that will help bring more clarity and ease for you, in the long run.

How frequently do I need a session?

That varies person to person. Some people come to me deep in whatever piece of their journey is up for re-attuning and they may need weekly support to keep things moving and integrating, without falling back on what’s familiar. Some may come to me for challenges that don’t hold the same level of charge and they may want support bi-weekly or once a month, etc.

Our energy systems are always in flux, in response to our inner and outer environments. And, like a musical instrument, they can always benefit from periodic re-tuning.

Those tune-ups may or may not need coaching/ dialogue. If so, check out the ‘Attunement’ sessions, if not, check out the ‘Tune Up’ sessions.

We can always have this conversation together at the end of your session or a few days after when you have a sense of how things are integrating and decide on the best course of action for you.