May 10, 2021

Equine Wisdom oracle cards by Linda Kohanov and Kim McElroy; Sacred Mothers and Goddesses oracle by Claudia Olivos

Equine Wisdom oracle cards by Linda Kohanov and Kim McElroy;

Sacred Mothers and Goddesses oracle by Claudia Olivos

There is an embodied wisdom that is our birthright.

It does not gives us answers but helps us live our way into them.

Human supremacy beliefs and ways of living on but not in the world are hurting us; body-mind-soul.

When we take our place within life, within our bodies, within the legacies (beneficial and painful) left us by those who came before- we can be in flow.

We become present and attuned. This is different from hyper vigilance and anxious scanning for safety. This is also different than being ‘checked out’.

It’s being in touch with our animal instincts and the inner (and outer) trust that comes from knowing we’re adaptive and responsive. It’s playful and able to take risks and innovate. It’s creative and successful because of its failures.

The freedom you want isn’t impossible. Nor is it some distant ways into the future. It’s right here and now- through relationship with self and beyond-self. It is both ancient and emergent.

Breathe in. Breathe out. You’re alive.