May 17, 2021

Medicine Woman tarot deck by Carol Bridges.

Medicine Woman tarot deck by Carol Bridges.

Look around for a moment and take stock of what bounty you do have. It is so easy, with our eyes forward in our heads, to always be looking to the future, dreaming and scheming.

Hunger and thirst for life, desire- they get us out of bed, help us stay in action, fuel our innovations.

And staying focused on what we don’t have for too long can lead us to feeling dissatisfied, ungrounded, ungrateful.

So pause here from the wanting and the hunting. Come back to gratitude for a moment. See things as they are, accept and tend them as they are.

Perhaps the seeds for the future you want aren’t somewhere out there, but are present in what you already have.

What if desire isn’t always reaching for something new but letting go of something you have so it can return again, in a new form, at a later date.

Mutuality- relationship through appreciation, ritual, and give and take. Acting as though your thriving is dependent on everyone and everything thriving.

Where you have gotten, perhaps it’s time to give something back.